How Does Meth Affect Your Body?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, around a million people in the United States aged 12 and above may have methamphetamine use disorder, also known as meth addiction. Furthermore, meth—often known as crystal, speed, or ice—may have been used by about 1.9 million people in the past year.

Continued meth use can harm your health and mind in various ways. 

Keep reading to learn more about meth and the body and get answers to your question, “how does meth affect your body?”

What Is Meth? 

Methamphetamine, also known as meth, is a highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system.

Meth takes the form of a white, bitter-tasting, odorless crystalline powder that dissolves quickly in alcohol or water. Meth is also available as pills or chunky crystals, commonly called ice. 

Ice, also called crystal meth, is especially popular among young adults and those who frequent clubs and parties.

Other popular names for meth include Christmas tree, crank, uppers, speed, chalk, and glass. 

Methamphetamine is only legally obtainable through a non-refillable prescription because the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration lists it as a Schedule II stimulant. 

Medically, it may be prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and as a temporary weight-loss aid. However, both applications are rare, and when they are used, the prescribed doses are far lower than what people use.

How Does Meth Affect the Body? 

“How does meth affect the body?” The answer to this question is one everyone who abuses meth should know. While using meth can be all “fun” and “helpful,” the negative meth effects on the body can shorten a person’s life span. 

What Does Meth Do to the Body?

Abusing meth causes the brain to release excessive amounts of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that creates feelings of euphoria. 

Methamphetamine provides a considerably stronger sense of euphoria than other drugs. It also boosts energy and activity, making people feel more alert and lively. These effects are amplified when meth is smoked or injected, as the drug enters the brain more quickly. 

Meth can temporarily give you the impression that you have more energy and vigor than you actually do. However, this momentary high is followed by a severe collapse as you come off the drug.

Effects of Meth on Your Heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among people who abuse meth. Meth abuse has a number of effects on the cardiovascular system. 

According to the American Heart Association, people who misuse meth are at risk for the following conditions:

  • Abnormally increased heart rate 
  • Severe heart disease 
  • Constricted blood vessels can cause dangerous spikes in your blood pressure
  • Persistent heart attack even years after you stop
  • Structural changes in your heart muscles
  • A distinct kind of cardiac failure among young people who abuse meth

Effects of Meth on Your Immune System 

According to research, prolonged methamphetamine use might have a negative impact on your immune system. Meth can potentially change your immune cells and alter their signaling pathways. 

Meth can inhibit white blood cells that fight germs and viruses, which leads to a weakened immune system and an increased risk of infection.

Also, the body’s natural defenses against infection decrease because meth abuse causes mouth abrasions and dried-out mucous membranes. 

People who abuse meth are more likely to contract infections such as hepatitis B and C and HIV, especially among those who inject meth and share needles.

Effects of Meth on Your Respiratory System 

Acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, and other types of lung diseases are some of the dangerous effects of meth on the body. These are often caused by constriction of blood vessels, which increases pressure on the arteries leading to the lungs. 

One of the ways people abuse meth is by smoking it. Taking meth this way increases a person’s risk of developing several respiratory issues associated with smoking substances. 

Effects of Meth on Your Muscles

Some of the effects of meth on your muscles include: 

  • Tremors
  • Involuntary and repeated movements 
  • Muscle twitching
  • Muscle atrophy

What Are the Signs of Meth Abuse? 

Now that the question “How does meth affect the body?” has been answered, it may be beneficial to you to learn about the signs of meth abuse so that you can get help as soon as you notice these signs in your loved ones or yourself. 

Some of the signs of meth abuse include: 

  • Meth mouth—dental issues that arise due to neglect of oral hygiene and nutrition. 
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Premature aging 
  • Meth sores are caused by constantly picking and scratching your skin
  • Paranoia and hallucinations
  • Dilated pupils
  • Increased heart rate 
  • Exaggerated mannerisms
  • Hyperactivity
  • Irregular sleeping patterns

How to Find a Meth Treatment in Beverly Hills

Meth abuse has potentially lethal effects. To prevent causing serious damage, you need to get help at an addiction treatment center. 

Total RMH is the place to go for help in Beverly Hills. Our treatment center can assist you in overcoming your meth addiction. 

At our Beverly Hills medical center, we can help you target any damage done using brain optimization. We also offer nutritional counseling and NAD IV therapy to replenish key nutrients and minerals that your body may be lacking but desperately needs. Contact us right away to learn more about our addiction treatment programs in Los Angeles, CA.

What Are the Signs of Cocaine Abuse?

The term cocaine abuse encompasses a wide range of behaviors and refers to the use of cocaine in any way that is not intended or prescribed by a medical professional. Because cocaine is such a potent and powerful drug, even recreational use can lead to problems.

Cocaine abuse can have short- and long-term effects on your health, relationships, and finances. Short-term effects of cocaine abuse include:

  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  •  Dilated pupils
  • Elevated body temperature
  •  Decreased appetite
  •  Restlessness and anxiety
  •  Paranoid thinking
  •  Erratic behavior

Long-term effects of cocaine abuse can include:

  •  Kidney damage or failure
  •  Liver damage
  •  Respiratory problems, such as difficulty breathing or chronic coughs
  •  Sexual dysfunction in men

Enrolling in rehab is undoubtedly a considerable option to better suppress the effects of cocaine abuse in any individual addicted to its use. For patients dealing with cocaine abuse, Total RMH is one of the best rehab centers that can help.

Total RMH is an innovative Beverly Hills medical center that facilitates an easy and quick recovery process. Our rehab center has professional medical experts and psychologists who are well-trained to help patients suffering from cocaine abuse recover from the effects. Contact us today to learn more about our substance abuse and withdrawal management services.

How Does Cocaine Effect The Body?

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that has several effects on the body. One of the ways it affects the body is by increasing alertness. Cocaine has a chemical stimulant that increases body energy and makes users feel more confident.

Another effect is that due to its effect on increasing alertness and energy, the heart rate and blood pressure increase simultaneously, which can lead to cardiovascular problems. In addition, cocaine use can lead to anxiety, paranoia, and even psychotic symptoms.

How Long Does Cocaine Stay In Your System?

Cocaine is a powerful and addictive stimulant that has a short half-life. This means that it is metabolized and eliminated from the body relatively quickly. Cocaine has a half-life of about one hour. This means it takes about one hour for the body to metabolize and eliminate half of the cocaine consumed.

The other half is eliminated within another hour. Therefore, cocaine is eliminated from the body within two hours. However, this does not mean that the effects of cocaine will only last for two hours. The effects of cocaine can last much longer than the drug is detectable in the body.

The effects of cocaine depend on how much is consumed, how often it is used, and the individual user’s physiology. For this cause, health professionals at Total RMH can help the individual through the recovery and withdrawal process, although at a cost.

What Are the Signs of Cocaine Abuse?

Cocaine is a powerful and addictive stimulant drug that can have serious consequences for those who abuse it. Cocaine abuse can lead to physical and mental health problems and issues in one’s personal and professional life.

There are some common signs and symptoms of cocaine abuse that family and friends may notice:

  • Changes In Mood Or Behavior: Cocaine abuse can cause changes in a person’s mood or behavior, such as irritability, aggressiveness, paranoia, or anxiety.
  • Changes in appearance: People who abuse cocaine may lose weight, have trouble sleeping, and their skin may be dry and pale.
  • Financial problems: Cocaine is an expensive drug, and people who abuse it may start having financial problems as they spend more money on the drug.
  • Relationship problems: The effects of cocaine abuse can put a strain on personal relationships, as well as lead to problems at work or school.

If you or someone you know is abusing cocaine, getting help from a professional treatment program is important. People can recover from cocaine addiction and lead healthy and fulfilling lives with proper treatment.

How To Find Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Cocaine addiction is a serious problem that can have devastating consequences. If you or someone you know is abusing cocaine, getting help as soon as possible is essential. Some signs indicate cocaine abuse, and the sooner you identify them, the better.

One of the best advisable methods to find a treatment for cocaine addiction is enrolling the patient in a treatment center like Total RMH. This rehab center provides 24/7 medical health support for its patients, an excellent prerequisite for their recovery. In addition, experts at the recovery center implement a comprehensive approach to treatment.

The comprehensive approach addresses the physical and psychological phases of the patient’s addiction. Considerably, they have licensed and experienced health practitioners in addiction recovery. These experts understand your condition and would adopt the best treatment to aid recovery.

Total RMH Can Help You

Cocaine abuse can have many different signs and symptoms, depending on the individual and the severity of their addiction. However, some common warning signs include decreased appetite, weight loss, increased energy levels, anxiety or irritability, and paranoia, to mention a few.If you are concerned that someone you love may be abusing cocaine, you must seek help. Many resources are available to those struggling with addiction at Total RMH rehab center, and getting treatment can make all the difference. Contact Total RMH today to learn more about our addiction treatment programs in Los Angeles.

What Are the Signs of Benzo Addiction?

If you or someone you loved is struggling with a prescription, you might show signs of benzo addiction. All too common, people are given prescriptions for treating mental health disorders like anxiety without any follow-up or concurrent therapy, which leaves people susceptible to addiction without resolving the underlying health condition.

Total RMH is a Beverly Hills treatment center, providing comprehensive addiction treatment. Contact us today to learn more about how our treatment programs can help you.

What Are Benzos?

Benzos or benzodiazepines are a category of prescription drugs. Up to 18% of individuals across the United States use benzodiazepines, and of those, 80% also abuse other drugs. Many people are not warned about the signs of benzo addiction, let alone told that it is very addictive when they are given a prescription. This can lead to severe complications and substance abuse. 

Some common prescriptions include:

  1. Xanax
  2. Valium
  3. Ativan

Benzos are often prescribed for things like anxiety or insomnia. Signs of benzo use include changes to the body and cognitive function because benzodiazepines are depressants. Depressants literally depress or slow down your central nervous system.

Are Benzos Addictive?

Benzos are very addictive. When you take a benzodiazepine, it produces muscle relaxation, sedation, and reduced anxiety levels.

Different drugs are classified by how long these effects last. 

  1. Very short-acting drugs are Versed and Halcion, things for instant relief during panic attacks.
  2. Short-acting drugs include Ativan and Xanax. 
  3. Long-lasting benzos include Librium, Valium, and Klonopin. 

No matter which of these you are given, once the effects wear off, your body returns to feeling the same level of anxiety or insomnia as before, so you take more and more, more often, to achieve the same effects. Unfortunately, the more you take it, the less effective it becomes. This causes you to take even more and take it more often. 

What Are the Signs of Benzo Addiction?

Benzo addiction signs come in many forms. Knowing each of these signs is essential in determining whether you or someone you love is struggling with benzo addiction symptoms or just dealing with another issue. 

For example: having mood swings and headaches and isolation doesn’t necessarily mean you are showing benzo addiction symptoms, but having mood swings and headaches, forging prescriptions, feeling emotionally detached, and doing everything in your power to get your hands on more drugs is. 

Behavioral signs of benzo addiction

Someone struggling with an addiction to benzodiazepines will show many behavioral symptoms first. These behavioral symptoms can include isolation from friends and family, and no longer participating in social activities that were once fun.

In addition to withdrawing, behavioral signs might include desperate criminal activities to feed the addiction, like forging prescriptions or visiting more than one doctor with the same symptoms to get multiple prescriptions concurrently.

Continued signs of benzo addiction might also include failing to fulfill personal or professional responsibilities.

Physical signs of benzo use

Physical signs of benzo addiction include drowsiness, lightheadedness, muscle weakness, unsteadiness, and blurred vision. It’s not uncommon for someone addicted to benzos to faint or experience headaches regularly.

Cognitive benzo addiction symptoms

Cognitive signs of benzo use are all the things you would expect from a prescription to treat anxiety, like slowing down thought processes, reducing inhibition, impaired judgment, poor concentration, or confusion. Regular use of benzodiazepines can cause problems with memory and concentration long-term.

Psychosocial benzo addiction signs

Signs of benzo addiction might be psychosocial, like unexplained sudden mood changes or your regular emotions, intense irritability, particularly when someone runs out of their drug, emotional detachment, or hostility.

How to Find a Benzo Treatment Center in Beverly Hills

The best way to overcome addiction is to find a benzo Treatment Center that specializes in reversing addiction’s cognitive symptoms, helping boost your physical health, and providing ongoing therapy for your treatment.

At Total RMH, we offer all of that. Our treatment center specializes in things like neurofeedback and brain optimization, IV nutritional therapy, or IV NAD therapy in Los Angeles to help boost your cognitive and physical function while you undergo your withdrawal symptoms and move toward sobriety. 

Our treatment therapies include counseling and withdrawal management to treat your substance abuse through initial Beverly Hills detox, ongoing treatment and recovery, and aftercare. We know that your journey towards sobriety is a lifelong path, so our team is there for you from start to finish. 

If you are ready for treatment, turn to Total RMH.

How Addictive is Cocaine?

Many may wonder how addictive is cocaine if they know someone suffering from addiction. Cocaine addiction is a highly prevalent issue across the United States. We often see cocaine use in movies, often shown as a “party drug.” However, while it might be portrayed as fun and relaxing, it’s very dangerous and highly addictive.

How Addictive is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a stimulant, so it stimulates your body, increasing your heart rate, your blood pressure, and body temperature. 

Cocaine interferes with the neurochemistry of your reward system. Under normal circumstances, when you do something positive like eat a healthy meal, exercise, have sex, learn a new hobby, or accomplish something at work, your brain produces dopamine. This dopamine is the reward you get for doing something good.

At first, drug use will feel good; it gives you a small high, so you are inclined to do those same activities repeatedly to get that same feeling.

However, that feeling can’t last forever. When you use cocaine, you get that same type of high dopamine release, but it’s more intense than what you would naturally generate from things like exercise or healthy eating. Instead of reabsorbing after a short while, cocaine prevents it from reabsorbing, so your high or euphoria lasts even longer. 

Once the cocaine wears off, the dopamine gets absorbed, but your brain is too tired to make more. So, without enough dopamine, you get the same problems that you would have if you didn’t exercise or eat healthy: you start to experience symptoms like depression, mood swings, and exhaustion.

To avoid these bad feelings, you start taking more cocaine almost immediately, and this leads to addiction.

What Causes Cocaine Addiction?

Anyone who has asked, how addictive is cocaine should understand the causes behind cocaine addiction. There are a lot of factors that can contribute to cocaine use, like poverty, a lack of parental supervision among children, stress, the existence of mental health disorders, and accessibility. 


Many people are genetically predisposed to addiction. Certain genetic differences can make it even easier for your body to become addicted. Whereas one person might not get addicted after using cocaine a single time, other people could very well develop an addiction immediately.


There are many environmental causes of cocaine addiction. Individuals who live in a house where cocaine use exists are more likely to use cocaine growing up. Individuals who live in an area where people use cocaine might succumb to peer pressure, especially if there’s a lack of parental supervision. Similarly, individuals who have a lot of stress or feelings of loneliness might use it to combat those feelings.

What Are the Signs of Cocaine Abuse?

Knowing answers to questions like how addictive is cocaine or what causes cocaine addiction leads to questions about the signs of addiction. 

Cocaine abuse can manifest in many ways. Physically, the most significant sign of cocaine addiction is when you experience withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms happen as soon as you stop taking cocaine.

These withdrawal symptoms can be not only challenging to overcome, but they drive you to make poor decisions, and these poor decisions represent other signs of cocaine abuse. Things like stealing or financial trouble are common signs of addiction because your withdrawal symptoms are so severe that you steal from loved ones or take money out of the bank account that was intended to pay bills and use that to get more cocaine. 

How to Find Cocaine Rehab Programs in Beverly Hills

If you are looking for help in Beverly Hills, turn to Total RMH. At our facility, we work around your schedule, offering a range of therapies that restore your brain function and bodily health to a good baseline from which you can start your path to recovery. 

Using things like IV NAD therapy in Los Angeles, we can give your body a much-needed boost of nutrients used during your recovery to help quell cravings. With neurofeedback therapy in Beverly Hills, we can restore brain function and help rewrite the connections that otherwise lead to cravings and addiction. 

Our withdrawal management program will give you the tools to identify the causes of cocaine addiction, undergo group and individual therapy to facilitate better observations of your emotions and make positive changes to identify triggers and deal with stress in daily life. 

You deserve to live a happy, healthy life, so don’t let your addiction define you, and don’t avoid help just because it will be hard. We are here to make it a little easier.

Let Total RMH help you get treatment for your cocaine addiction today.

How Long Does Heroin Stay in Your System?

If you or someone close to you has struggled with heroin use, you may have wondered how long does heroin stay in your system? The answer can depend on various factors in actuality, but it is still important to ask and understand before seeking treatment.

Thankfully, facilities like Total RMH can help you find a Beverly Hills detox program, which is often needed at the start of a heroin addiction treatment program.

What Are The Effects of Heroin?

Heroin use can cause a multitude of short-term and long-term effects. Heroin addiction can result in psychological, physical, and behavioral problems, as well as legal and financial issues. 

Firstly, heroin is an opioid. As with any addiction, knowing answers to questions like how long does heroin stay in your system can be important in understanding the stages of addiction. 

With heroin use, when you first use heroin, the effects of the drug bind to your opioid receptors, diminishing any feelings of pain, and increasing feelings of pleasure. Heroin leaves you feeling relaxed as it slows down your breathing rate. It causes you to feel high and drowsy at the same time. Your brain identifies these feelings as positive. 

Then, your brain’s reward system gets hijacked by these positive feelings. Your brain starts to change how it works and what substances it naturally produces to bind it to your opioid receptors. As your brain continues to experience those positive feelings from heroin use, the anticipation of the positive feelings and your complete cognitive preoccupation with experiencing those positive feelings repeatedly, change your brain structure over and over.

As this happens, you become addicted, and if you don’t get more heroin, your body experiences withdrawal. Those withdrawal symptoms can be so severe that you are motivated beyond anything else to find a way to get rid of those symptoms. And in almost all cases, the only way to get rid of those symptoms is to use more heroin.

Beyond that, you also have short-term and long-term effects like behavior changes and finances. As you get into that third phase and nothing becomes more important than getting more heroin and alleviating your withdrawal symptoms, you are more likely to engage in risky behavior or criminal behavior. You are more likely to steal or get in trouble with the law for driving under the influence.

This can cause problems in your personal relationships with your close friends and family. It can result in significant mood shifts and social changes where you no longer participate in activities you once loved or see the people you once socialized with.

What Are the Symptoms of Heroin Withdrawal? 

So now you might ask, how long does heroin last in my system, and what are the symptoms of heroin withdrawal that I may face during detox?

Heroin withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Shaking
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Muscle pain
  • Stomach pain
  • Restlessness
  • Sweating
  • Depression
  • Nervousness
  • Depression

These symptoms can fluctuate, meaning you might experience shaking and nausea at the start and, within a few hours, add to that vomiting, stomach pain, and muscle pain. At some point, the shaking might go away only to be replaced with sweating and restlessness.

How Long Does Heroin Stay in Your System?

So oh, how long does heroin stay in your system? This depends on many factors like your metabolism, your genetics, how much you took, what other drugs you took heroin, and whether you were also on any types of medications.

In general:

  • Heroin can be detected in a urine sample up to 24 hours after you last used heroin
  • Heroin can be detected in a blood sample up to 72 hours after you last use heroin
  • Heroin can be detected in your hair follicles up to three months after you last use heroin

This can seem like quite a long time when you consider the fact that the initial high starts just a few minutes after taking heroin but doesn’t last for more than a few hours.

Unfortunately, your withdrawal symptoms from heroin use will typically start within 24 hours of the last time you used heroin. The timeline for withdrawal detox can be up to 1 week, with the most severe symptoms manifesting about three days after you last use heroin.

Even more unfortunate is the fact that while the physical presence of heroin toxicity might leave your body after a week, criminal records, changes to your brain, and damage to any personal relationships can last for months or years.

The best way to tackle your heroin use is to get help from a professional rehab center that not only offers detox or your withdrawal symptoms but can offer ongoing therapy to help you repair your damaged relationships, and restructure your brain. 

How to Find Heroin Addiction Treatment in Beverly Hills

We help you target the damage done to your brain and body with things like brain optimization. We provide nutritional information and NAD IV therapy to replenish the vital nutrients and minerals your body may be missing but desperately needs recovery. Let Total RMH help with your heroin addiction today. Contact us to learn more about our addiction treatment programs in Los Angeles, CA.

How Do Opioids Affect the Body?

If you are looking for answers to questions like “what do opioids do to the body,” it might signify that you or someone you love is struggling with drug abuse. Thankfully, you can get help.

What are Opioids?

Opioids are a class of drug that can be given in prescription form or taken illegally. In a prescription, opioids are used as painkillers, usually prescribed in the form of things like codeine or morphine. Illegally, opioids tend to take the form of heroin.

Natural opioids like morphine come from the Opium poppy plant found in South America. Illegal street drugs like heroin are also derived from the poppy plant. However, some prescription drugs utilize an artificial opioid like Fentanyl.

So, what do opioids do to the body?

How Do Opioids Affect the Body?

Opioids don’t actually fix your pain or make it go away. Instead, they change the chemical communication between your brain and body, shutting down the pain signals your body sense to your brain. This makes it so that you don’t feel the pain anymore. However, the more often you take opioids in prescription or other forms, the more your body builds a tolerance to it.

As you start to build a tolerance, that means the amount of drugs you took to alleviate your pain will no longer be enough to give you the same effect. So, you have to take higher and higher doses to achieve the same feelings. Eventually, this can change the chemical makeup of your brain and lead to an addiction. 

Opioid addiction is a severe problem, one of America’s most common drug problems.

Why are Opioids So Addictive?

Understanding how opioids affect the body helps you understand why they are so addictive. The way in which opioids change your brain and the chemical responses between your brain and your body is what serves as the foundation for addiction. The more you limit the natural communication between your brain and body, the worse the pain will be whenever you stop taking opioids, or the opioids wear off. 

It can take just a few weeks for your body to become physically dependent on an opioid. If you just take a prescription pill for one or two days, it might not be a problem, but studies indicate that even your first dose starts to have physiological effects on your body.

As opioids begin to change your body physiologically, you are at a higher chance of addiction. Every individual is different. For some, their genetic makeup puts them at a higher risk for addiction, while for others, untreated mental health conditions or past trauma can lead to an increased risk of addiction.

How to Find Opioid Addiction Treatment

Knowing how do opioids affect the body, you gain the power to decide when you need help managing and overcoming the effects of opioids. A good treatment center can help you detox and remove any residual compounds from your body before you dive into long-term therapy and holistic treatment programs. Opioid addiction centers focus on providing life skills and coping strategies that you can use long after you leave their program.

Just as no individual deals with addiction or drug abuse in the same way as another, no individual should have a rehab treatment plan that is the same as another. Good opioid addiction treatment centers will start with an evaluation to determine your background, what you have tried in the past, and what recovery plan will work best. 

At Total TMH, we recognize that your journey toward recovery starts with us. Our addiction treatment in Beverly Hills of objectives and our programs are designed to help you and your family utilize the most effective treatment methods available. We don’t put together a treatment plan that you can’t follow. We want you to have the highest chance of success which is why we start with an evaluation to figure out what type of help you need specifically, where you might have struggled in the past, and what types of therapies haven’t worked well for you. With a better picture of your history, we can customize a plan to help you change your daily patterns and take back control of your life.
Reach out to Total RMH today for help with your addiction.

What Is Neurofeedback for Anxiety?

Neurofeedback for anxiety, while not new, is now being used to help retrain the brain and help manage the nervousness and stress related to anxiety disorders. Neurofeedback can be used to retrain stress responses and physiological responses to anxiety.

At Total RMH we offer the best and newest treatments to our clients. With medical professionals, specifically trained to read brain-mapping output and develop positive protocols for retraining, we believe in a positive future for our clients. In addition to neurofeedback, we offer brain optimization, withdrawal management, and anti-ageing treatments to ensure our clients are feeling their best.

Treating the Whole Person on their Road to Recovery – Total RMH

What Is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is “a kind of biofeedback, which teaches self-control of brain functions to subjects by measuring brain waves and providing a feedback signal. Neurofeedback usually provides the audio and or video feedback.” 

For neurofeedback to work properly, you will have a diagnostic test that measures brainwave activity. This test can determine which areas are experiencing dysfunctional patterns and be used to determine the correct protocols to implement to retrain the brain towards more positive responses.

Neurofeedback can be applied in a number of different ways. It can be used to determine stress responses and physiological responses.  It can also be useful in coaching, occupational and physical therapy, and sports and performance enhancement.  Specifically, neurofeedback can be used to help treat Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. 

Is There Neurofeedback for Anxiety?

Neurofeedback can be utilized to help treat Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). GAD is described as excessive and exaggerated anxiety about everyday life events. Brain mapping can be utilized to determine negative associations and stress responses then turned into positive Neurofeedback protocols to retrain the brain.

Studies have shown that neurofeedback is more helpful than no treatment which is what 60% of individuals do every year. “The randomized control trial by Dadashi et al. compared neurofeedback with waitlisted individuals for management of adult patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). It showed that treatment with neurofeedback resulted in a statistically significant increase in the global functioning level and reductions in symptoms of GAD, but such changes were not observed in the waitlisted group.” Additionally, studies have shown that individuals experiencing GAD do definitively experience a reduction in anxiety disorder related symptoms after neurofeedback.

Some studies have also compared it with the validity of possibly addictive anti-anxiety medications. Because neurofeedback is completely natural retraining of the brain, there is no additional risk for addiction or physical dependence on a medication. By utilizing this therapeutic option, clients’ processing can be refocused to manage the stress in different ways.

How Can Total RMH Help You Today?

At Total RMH our neurofeedback for anxiety is designed with your specific parameters in mind. Different from the first interaction, Total RMH has your regenerative health in mind.

Our Neurofeedback treatment involves extensive brain mapping to help determine the best protocols for you. Following this, the protocols are laid over a television show of your choosing and used to retrain the brain. There are no side-effects to this relaxing therapy, and it is non-invasive and quick to implement. Clients at our facility can do a session in as little as 15 minutes.

At Total RMH, your wellness is our goal. With multiple brain-optimizing treatments available, we help our clients feel like younger, happier, healthier versions of themselves. Nutrient rich IV vitamin treatments, NAD+ treatments, counseling, and withdrawal management are just some of the rehabilitative improvement methods we use to ensure our clients well-being.

Total RMH – Where Transformation Happens

Oxycodone Addiction Treatment Near Me

At Total RMH we support individuals through the oxycodone addiction treatment process with the best and newest treatment options available. Our treatment programs help individuals work through detoxification and help them repair and rebuild their physical and mental health one step at a time.

Contact Total RMH today to see how our regenerative treatments can help you get back on track.

What Is Oxycodone?

Oxycodone is a prescription opioid. Prescribed to reduce pain, it can also create a euphoric high and a total-body numb feeling based on the strength of the medication. Often prescribed for pre-and post-surgery patient, oxycodone is addictive and can easily be mismanaged by individuals experiencing severe pain.

According to the CDC, Oxycodone is one of the top three most common prescriptions involved in overdose deaths. The dangers of misusing and becoming addicted to oxycodone must be explained and detailed before an individual begins using.

Oxycodone also comes with a variety of side-effects. These range from relatively normal side-effects like constipation and sleepiness to more extreme side effects like:

  • Tolerance
  • Physical dependence
  • Increased sensitivity to pain
  • Nausea, vomiting, and dry mouth
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Low levels of testosterone that can result in lower sex drive, energy, and strength
  • Itching and sweating

With extreme side effects, it is important to closely monitor use and your body’s response to the drug.

Is Oxycodone Addictive?

Oxycodone is addictive. It alters your mental and physical state while taking the drug. FDA guidelines indicate that oxycodone comes with 15 separate warnings and precautions for use and an additional recommendation for laboratory monitoring during use. For example, Oxycontin, the brand name of oxycodone, can cause life-threatening respiratory depression, neonatal addiction, severe hypertension, and withdrawal symptoms to name a few. 

In addition to the typical misuses of prescription pills like taking more than prescribed, taking someone else’s medication, or obtaining the drug illegally, abuse and miscues can occur with “OXYCONTIN by crushing, chewing, snorting, or injecting the dissolved product will result in the uncontrolled delivery of oxycodone and can result in overdose and death.”

How To Know if You Need Oxycodone Addiction Treatment?

Oxycodone addiction treatment is necessary for individuals who have developed an addiction or begun misusing the prescription drug. 

The Narcotics Anonymous, “Am I an Addict?” literature asks 29 yes/no questions to individuals who are questioning whether they have a problem or an addiction to drugs like Oxycodone. The questions ask people about their drug use, their personal feelings, and their behaviors. 

1. Do you ever use alone?

2. Have you ever substituted one drug for another, thinking that one particular drug was the problem?

3. Have you ever manipulated or lied to a doctor to obtain prescription drugs?

4. Have you ever stolen drugs or stolen to obtain drugs?

5. Do you regularly use a drug when you wake up or when you go to bed?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, check out the rest (here). While there isn’t a certain number of questions that will indicate that you are an addict, answering these questions will help you to evaluate your personal belief on the topic. 

After answering, if you feel that you have a problem and are ready to make a change, there are treatment programs out there to help you. 

Can Total RMH Help Me?

Total Regenerative Medical Health is a redesigned facility that takes the newest methods and applies them for life-changing results. Our rehabilitation programs are designed to support individuals through the process of finding relief from addiction, repairing the damage done, working through recovery, and rebuilding the life they want. 

Our addiction treatment programs focus on ensuring total-body health through medication-assisted treatments, vitamin infusions, and naturally balancing your cell regeneration with NAD+. After ensuring that your body is physically regulated, we work with individuals to begin the hard work of changing the negative behaviors and thought processes surrounding addiction. 

Contact Total RMH today to see how our supportive addiction treatment programs can transform your life.

How Long Does Naltrexone Stay In Your System?

For individuals struggling with an alcohol use disorder or opioid use disorder, there is help. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration, Naltrexone is now a viable treatment for substance abuse, specifically alcohol and opioid abuse.

At Total Regenerative Mental Health, we utilize Naltrexone in our innovative addiction treatment program. In combination with a healthy, vitamin-rich treatment and consistent therapeutic support, our Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) program has helped many along the path of recovery. 

Find out if you’re eligible for Naltrexone treatments today at Total RMH

What Is Naltrexone?

Naltrexone is a prescription drug injection or pill used in the treatment of opioid use and alcohol use disorders.  Unlike other medication-assisted treatments, it is not an opioid, nor does it cause addiction. Naltrexone is utilized in addiction treatment as a non-addictive medication that helps to bind the opioid receptors as heroin or morphine would. However, it blocks the euphoria and sedative effects; this makes it ideal for treatment.

When Naltrexone is used to treat alcohol use disorders, it binds to the endorphin receptors and inhibits the ‘buzzed’ euphoric feeling alcohol creates. It can also decrease cravings, making it ideal for individuals who are sober but finding it difficult to maintain sobriety long-term. 

What Is Naltrexone Used For?

Used in the management of alcohol and opioid use disorders, Naltrexone is a non-addictive pain reliever used in Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT). Specifically used in alcohol and opioid drug treatment, it is unsafe to use within 1-2 weeks of last use. Using Naltrexone before your body has detoxed the substance can cause sudden opioid withdrawal. 

Symptoms of withdrawal that can be onset by premature Naltrexone use include:

  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Muscle aches
  • Increased tearing
  • Insomnia
  • Runny nose
  • Sweating
  • Yawning
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Diarrhea
  • Dilated pupils
  • Goosebumps
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting”

Sudden onset of these symptoms can be dangerous, cause dehydration, and alter the impact of other opioids on the system.

Individuals who use Naltrexone for alcohol use disorders should be wary of how soon it is prescribed. For some, use close together can cause nausea and vomiting, but it can help a person maintain sobriety. 

One detrimental effect of Naltrexone use is that it is associated with a higher risk of accidental overdose with individuals who relapse. Naltrexone is extremely effective in helping the body reset. This can alter the amount of drug an individual’s body can handle and when relapse occurs, the individual takes the same amount, causing an accidental overdose. 

How Long Does Naltrexone Stay In Your System?

How long Naltrexone stays in your system depends on the type of naltrexone administered. Provided in either an injection or daily pill, the length that it remains effective is dramatically different.

For the daily 50mg pill, Naltrexone works in your body for approximately 24 hours. Larger doses can last and work longer when prescribed by a doctor.

Individuals who get a Naltrexone injection as part of a treatment program, are administered the tests every four weeks.  

Find Out if You’re Eligible for Naltrexone Today at Total RMH

At Total RMH, our goal is your regenerative mental health. Our state-of-the-art facility and licensed expert care provide a safe and supportive location for clients to experience compassionate care that transforms rehabilitation.

By utilizing individualized care programs in private rooms, clients can continue working, learning, and living through MAT. Out MAT program utilizes the best treatment protocols detailed to meet your exact metabolic needs. 

Feel relief, repair your body, recover yourself, and rebuild your life with our detox and recovery services.

Try Total RMH today to experience tailored treatments, supportive staff, and transformative treatments.